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Faith & Ethical Mandate










As a human being, we are most definitely called to help and assist in the economic injustice that is prevalent in our society.


Theologically, Pope Francis declared in his encyclical, Laudato Si,” Today, however, we have to realize that a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”(Francis 5) The most important thing to note is that society needs to structure itself in order to assist the poor. Ignoring the needs of members of our society and alienating them from the other measures that we take means that we have failed to acknowledge these people. It would only lead to further disenfranchisement and the suffering of not only poorer members of society, but society itself.



The Seven Catholic Social Teachings also promote the same notions of needing to help others.

  1. Life and Dignity of the Human Person: related due to the inherent fac that poorer members of society are not being treated as equals, but as inferiors by this system, and are having their dignity violated.

  2. Call to Family, Community and Participation: related due to the fac that economic injustice is only harming the poor. They are not being give the opportunity to participate in society as proper members of it and are isolated from the community. Despite being called to treat all others as family, the education system is preventing that.

  3. Rights and Responsibilities: it is our duty as those who have more options and ability to assist those without it attain their own equal amount of rights as we do. Much like civil rights, equality is also an unalienable right and must be the goal of the community to attain.

  4. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable: the most related CST, as the entire premise is to ensure that there is no gap whatsoever between the rich and the poor. Yet the poor are having the opportunities that the wealthy take for granted taken away, and it is imperative that this be rectified.

  5. Dignity and Rights of Workers: related because of the fact that this system that is in place is preventing poorer students from being able to attain higher level jobs. Not only that, but the fruits of the labor that poorer workers get in education is reduced. They get a lower quality education despite putting in as much work, and their work needs to be treated as equally as anyone else’s.

  6. Solidarity: as a society, we must treat all people as members of the same family. As such, if any member of the human family is being treated unfairly, it is the responsibility of all others to make sure that these people have what they need to be equal to others. We have the duty to reedy this inequality to the best of our ability.

  7. Care for God’s Creation: not only do these students need better education to be able to help the planet in the long run, but we also must treat all of God’s creation with the same amount of reverence and respect. If we do not, then we fail as members of  this Earth and as a community.


Societally speaking, we also must act for the simple ethical reason that people are being treated unfairly. Even if someone is not Catholic or religious, the fact of the matter is that people are not being given the treatment that they deserve. For a reason as simple as that, we must continue to fight to make sure that they are given what they are owed. As a human being, we have that obligation.

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